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"Mind... full/FULL- ness.
Practicing mindfulness permits us opportunities to interact with our environments - objects, stimuli, situations, individuals and people - in less reactionary and rather, in more productive and effective (both personally and socially) ways.

It permits us opportunities to see and/or recognize and/or experience things that beautiful, beneficial (psychologically, physically, intellectually) and that may/can enhance the quality of our lives (both external and internal, i.e. the outside world and the inside - our minds), such as: science, philosophy, music, art, comedy, literature - the list is plentiful (and subjective.)
It also permits us opportunities to see and/or recognize things that are not so beneficial (psychologically, physically, intellectually) and perhaps dysfunctional and/or harmful and/or detrimental to the quality of our lives (both external and internal).
It also can help us avoid excessively clinging onto (over-attatchment) to objects, stimuli, situations, individuals and people, whilst also not immediately condemning what upon first impression appears "unpleasant" or "wrong" or "bad."
Mindfulness teaches us that objects, stimuli, situations, individuals and people
are different and distinct from our personal/individual emotional reactions to that thing/event/person and importantly, that our initial emotional reactions can be distinct from our developed emotional reaction (once we've assessed the thing/event/person or perhaps have already permitted ourselves the opportunity to avoid reactionary responses from the start).
Instead of being driven by your reactions, Mindfulness allows us to have room to be PROACTIVE with how we choose to respond - firstly emotionally, then cognitively and resultingly, behaviourally.
It can allow us to tolerate aspects of the external and internal world that are otherwise hard to face.

You pay attention to sounds, thoughts, feelings, memories, whatever passes by your mind, moment to moment. You'll notice that everything is changing and you learn to pay attention more to PROCESS rather than solely content."


- Josseline Nayade Jeria -

ALLEGRO series

'Allegro' is a temporary life event, carnival. Rhythm, melody, tone, bit motion and impromptu with the most primitive medium, charcoal or monochromatic oil rush.


Subtitle, (Spiccato) is a technique of violin playing which is similar to my way of holding tools and the way of stroke.


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