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SEOUL, KOREA (Portfolio)

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South Korea

해외 미술대학 입시 포트폴리오. 프로페셔널 아티스트 포트폴리오.

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SEOUL, KOREA (Portfolio)
SEOUL, KOREA (Portfolio)

Time & Location

Time is TBD

South Korea, South Korea

About The Event

저희 포트폴리오팀은 미국의 미술대학, 갤러리, 공모전에 지원하시는 분들을 위한 작품과 포트폴리오 컨설팅을 제공합니다. 각각의 아티스트가 가진 현 시점의 장단점을 분석하고 잠재성이 큰 방향에 최적화된 중/단기 커리큘럼을 디자인해, 시행착오 없이 최단 시간에 목표 성과를 달성하는 데에 도움을 드려온 저희의 경험에 자부심을 가지고 있습니다. 지원자 입장에서는 보다 독창적인 예술성의 발현, 심사관의 관점에서는 가치있는 미술 작품의 선별. 양측 모두를 통찰할 수 있는 다년간의 포트폴리오 지원 경험과 개별 아티스트의 성장 단계별 축적된 관찰 경력이 효율적인 컨설팅을 자신있게 제안드릴수 있는 바탕입니다.

2018년 여름 (6월 10일 - 8월 10일), 서울 및 수도권 지역에서 포트폴리오 컨설팅 및 실습을 진행하며, 그 분야는 다음과 같습니다.

    ART COLLEGE PORTFOLIO (미국 미술대학 지원자를 위한 코스).

    <무료 티켓을 구매하세요. 제출하신 이메일로 보다 자세한 설명과 함께 연락 드리겠습니다.>

    - 미국 미술대학 입시를 위한 포트폴리오 제작 지원. (대학 공통, 지원 대학별 특화 주제)

    - 미국 미술대학들의 입시 설명회에서 포트폴리오만으로 입학하기.

    - 1회의 무료 상담 후, 목표로 하는 포트폴리오의 구성과 완성 작품 수에 따라 알맞은 코스를 추천 드릴 것입니다.

    - 포트폴리오 제작 시작시, 그 실습의 시간 구성과 비용의 예는 다음과 같습니다.

    • 4작품, 4주간 주1회 수업 = $700
    • 8작품, 4주간 주2회 수업 = $1400
    • 8작품, 8주간 주1회 수업 = $1400
    • 10작품, 4주간 주3회 수업 = $2100
    • 10-12작품, 8주간 주2회 수업 = $2800
    • 13-15작품, 8주간 주3회 수업 = $4200


    <무료 티켓을 구매하세요. 제출하신 이메일로 보다 자세한 설명과 함께 연락 드리겠습니다.>

    - 해외 Fine Art 공모전 입상을 위한 경쟁력 있는 포트폴리오 발전.

    - 회화/일러스트레이션 아티스트로서의 미국 비자/영주권 지원 계획.

    - 작품 이미지와 간략한 설명을 무료로 제출하세요. 검토 후, 저희의 지원이 작품성의 괄목할만한 발전을 보장할 수 있을때 컨설팅을 수락하겠습니다.


    "Before I started working with Ms.Ko, I was lost and confused with no sense of direction. Luckily, I had this incredible, talented woman to help guide me during one of the most crucial periods of my life. After our first few sessions, she instinctively knew my strengths and weaknesses, and how to capture and translate that into my artwork that was uniquely mine. She always encouraged, suggested, and oversaw all my work. I have grown so much as an artist through the time I’ve spent with her.

    I was always excited to go to Ms. Ko, because she was not only my art teacher, but also a mentor and friend. I don’t remember a day when she didn’t give me a 110% of her time and effort. One could tell that she genuinely wanted me to succeed, and she would always have new ideas for projects that would help me grow as an artist and set me apart from others.

    I am forever grateful to have met this teacher, who not only helped me get into all the art schools that I applied to (FIT, RISD, SAIC) with scholarships, but also excel in my field. To this day, I look back and fondly remember all the times I’ve spent in the studio with Ms. Ko; I know that I could still contact her If I ever had questions or needed help." - Hyewon Yoon


    This program is for any level of art college candidates who want to strengthen the way of creative art making, unique expression and solid body of portfolio. Our professional education team will support future artists for creating their best artworks in joyful and motivational atmosphere.


    Portfolio Review Team is consist of professional artist-educators who have at least 10 years of experience in supervising artists-students for their succeed in their goal of artwork creation, art colleges application, galleries submission and application for national/international art competitions. The Portfolio Review Team will support students in 'Portfolio Development' course for US art college application with the following professional services.

    • Build the optimized curriculum for candidate's unique direction for artwork creation and the chosen colleges' requirment for portfolio submissions.
    • Assign the best artist-instructors based on each candidate's short term and long term goal.
    • Continuous supervising of candidate's artworks in the progress.
    • Produce 2 version of professional portfolio packages in both the original and digital.


    • EUNJUNG KOH (Reviewer, Instructor)

    EJ (Eunjung) Koh is an award winning artist and had numerous national and international exhibitions in various fields (fiber arts, fashion, mixed media, painting and drawing). She received her BFA in Craft Art (fiber arts, ceramic arts, metal arts) from Sung-shin Women's University in Seoul, South Korea and 2nd BFA and MFA in Fashion Design (Knitwear/textile design) from Academy of Art University in SanFrancisco, CA. She is an inspiring instructor encourage students to develop their own artistic voices and guide them to create artworks reflect students' creativity and craftsmanship. Her students proudly entered some of the most prestigious art colleges in United States and Europe in 2015. The colleges list includes-

    Rhode Island School of Design (RISD)

    School of Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC)- Merit Scholarship Winner.

    Fashion Institute of Technology (FIT)- Presidential Scholarship Winner.

    • ZIN LIM (Reviewer)

    12 year-experienced college teacher and enthusiastic professional who takes great pride in his career to supervise students for their personal artistic advancement and success in the field of visual art. He has an intense knowledge of visual art analysis and is a good skill-delivery person who has past students’ long term reputations.


    • PORTFOLIO (Seoul)

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